Prepare to be Blessed.

Camp Manna will be released on Video On Demand (VOD) on June 5, 2018. Thank you for helping bring this film to life! We're gearing up for our Pre-Order campaign and we need your help!


Pre-Order Campaign



To bring you up to speed, the last year has been spent navigating our distribution options for the film. We ultimately landed on a strategy which enables us to distribute through the three major pay-per-play platforms: iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, and Google Play. We’re stoked about this approach and excited about the opportunities that it presents.

The next month will consist of a number of parallel marketing efforts preceding Camp Manna’s release. Our PR firm (WIT PR) is working with the production team to publicize to our target markets through press releases, interviews, podcasts, etc., and at the same time, our digital advertising campaign will be working to expose the film to audiences online.

But we still need your help!

Like with every indie film, every little bit counts. Now is our biggest opportunity to gain exposure and we’re encouraging everyone to engage their personal networks. To make this possible we have created a press kit just for you. It is filled with artwork, and imagery specific to your character.

Please feel free to use these assets to share your work and the film!


The Press Kit

  • Poster (1)
  • Banner Images (2)
  • Joey Morgan Photos (3)
  • General Photos (12)